Saturday, February 23, 2013

Sustaining International Giving Through Digital Media

+Devin Hauer captured it best when describing how non-profit organizations still tend to stick to the old school way of marketing and fundraising. There is a whole new economy and way of reaching people now, and if people don't learn how to use it effectively, it will impact their future ability to be seen and heard.

One of the biggest problems with working digital platforms is that many discount the time it actually takes to build credibility. Face it. It's not easy, it's time-consuming, and most "social media experts" and agencies are showing companies how to do it wrong. 

Non-profit organizations are losing ground right out of the gate when their own board members are not engaged as online advocates. 

This Social Chats Hangout, also with +Cynthia K Seymour+Tonya Scholz, +Ted Caplow, is filled with great nuggets to help others improve what they are doing.

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